Black Sheep’s Dres, A Tribe Called Quest’s Jarobi & G-Side’s ST 2 Lettaz Get Gone (Audio)

Wow. New York City to Hunstville, Alabama. The late 1980s to the late 2000s. Hip-Hop knows no boundaries when Dres & Jarobi’s evitaN (that’s “Native” spelled backwards, if you’re playing at home), link with ST 2 Lettaz. With the Black Sheep and A Tribe Called Quest ties here, and ST coming from G-Side, these are three respected outfits with varying sounds. Somehow it works on “Gone,” some potent relationship raps that pull all three acts out of their norms and comfort zones. Not sure what (if) a project it comes from, this Block Beattaz jam is ripe.

Original Mattress Co. hipped us to this one.

Related: EVITAN (Dres & Jarobi) – P.T.I. (Occupy Wall Street) (Video)
