Time Magazine Could Name Black Lives Matter Activists as Person of the Year, But Will They?

Time magazine is a classic piece of American journalism, a long-standing publication that covers all aspects of social and political life and the annual selection of “Person of the Year” was first launched by the magazine in 1927 (the first being aviator and American icon Charles Lindbergh). It’s hard to believe, but it was called “Man of the Year” until 1999, but has since expanded to include women, and sometimes even groups of people rather than individuals.In 1950, the “American fighting-man” took the prize, celebrated for risking life and limb in the Korean War. Six years later, the Hungarian freedom fighter was the winning person of the year, and in 1960, American scientists were triumphed. Since then, groups singled out as being deserving of the accolade include the “middle” Americans (1969), American women (in 1975, more than two decades before the accolade was no longer called “Man of the Year”), the Peacemakers (1993), the Whistleblowers (2002), and the Protester (2011). Non-humans have also championed, most notably the computer in 1982 and Planet Earth in 1988.  With the announcement of this year’s finalists, there is some talk that a winner similar to 2011’s could be named, although projections name someone else entirely.


Having survived the criticism of having nominated Adolf Hitler as Person of the Year in 1938 in an unfortunate example of short-sightedness, the magazine has since made some very progressive decisions with its “Person of the Year” cover story in recent years, paying much attention to social movements around the world, movements embodied by giants of industry, politics, equality, and freedom. This year’s list of finalists includes both global leaders and domestic giants, and the projected winner seems to be Bernie Sanders. Tomorrow (Wednesday, December 9), the magazine will announce the official winner, but it ain’t over ’til its over, and another candidate is exciting millions. The Black Lives Matter activists have turned a social-justice fight into a household term, something that hasn’t been done with issues involving African-American civil rights since perhaps the Million Man March. And, while landing on the cover of Time magazine is by no means equivalent to winning a real fight for civil equality, particularly as it involves treatment by law enforcement and other government structures, a win for BLM activists would certainly be an indicator of a general consensus among Americans that yes, those lives do matter and yes, something has got to give. And, while Bernie Sanders is a progressive politician who in many ways does not represent the establishment in the traditional sense, there are many who feel naming him as person of the year would only add to the long list of White men already a part of the club.

Who is your person or group of the year? When Hip-Hop lands the cover, who do you think should be on it?

Related: 150 Years After Slavery Ended, Politicians Still Need a Reminder that Black Lives Matter