Zo!, Phonte & Eric Roberson Make An Early Bid For Feel-Great Song/Video Of 2014
Back in 2008, Zo! and Phonte breathed new life into songs by Human League, Toto, and others, on their hilariously-packaged, limited-edition ’80s cover album. Over five years later, the Foreign Exchange comrades bring that same charisma and pizazz (this time with associate Eric Roberson) into Zo!’s ManMade album. The trio gets suited and booted, and can’t stop dancing in this Whispers-inspired 80’s R&B cut.
Even if you’re feeling gloomy, say… in a Polar Vortex, the joy, humor, and feel-good energy of “We Are On The Move” will warm you up. Kinetic energy at work. This video single sells the album…