Killer Mike Expounds On Ferguson, Police Brutality & Looting (Video)
Following Killer Mike’s writing and televised appearances, the Atlanta, Georgia veteran continues to speak about the murder of Michael Brown. Given Mike’s unique background (his father was a longtime officer of the law) and the Run The Jewels “Rap villain” persona, Mike Bigga expounded on his views for Power 105’s The Breakfast Club morning show.
In the first 10 minutes, Mike asserts the role of voting in local elections (15:00). Discussing the political machine, Mike works in his views on President Barack Obama, and Ferguson, Missouri. The Dungeon Family member, who is a small business owner, also supports rioting, for getting the attention of the mainstream and capitalists. Later on (25:00), Mike explains the value in activism, and responds to criticism that people are simply bandwagoning Ferguson.
“In Ferguson, an American’s constitutional rights to due process died and drained out on the streets.” – Killer Mike
Related: Killer Mike Speaks Directly To Americans About The Problems In Ferguson (Video)