The Fresh Prince Might Enjoy This Prank Call Into C-SPAN Live (Video)

Since 1979, C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) has been a channel that many TV-goers may surf right over on their way to reality TV, prime-time drama, sports, and other remote destinations. However, the Washington D.C. based network is a media mainstay, covering U.S. Congress and other major political and social events.

Just to liven things up, one person, reportedly named “Republican Jack Strickland” called into three-hour weekday morning news program “Washington Journal.” Amidst a discussion surrounding Congress’ influence of Iran negotiations, Jack—with impeccably dry delivery and an especially dry tone, spouted off the theme to…well, you guessed it…

While a fellow prankster like Erykah Badu would likely be a Head who finds humor and delight in this, (not impressed) Host Pedro Echevarria is probably thinking:


Spotted at Grand Good.

Related: Jimmy Fallon Is The Fresh Prince Of Late Night…Just Watch (Video)