Just 2 Hours & 1 Percent May Decide Who Goes To The GOAT Championship: Tupac Or Rakim
Tonight may be the most critical moment in “Finding The GOAT” to date. In the second of two Final 4 match-ups, Tupac Shakur and Rakim have see-sawed since the battle began Monday (May 18). The debate, running strong on Facebook, has bled onto Twitter, and certainly has occurred offline to boot. At present, Tupac Shakur leads Rakim by just over 1%, after Rakim re-took the lead earlier today. But, that can all change in a matter of minutes. Even as more votes come piling in, it’s still less than a 1% margin that may decide what’s taken nearly a year to establish.
Ending at 11:59pm EST tonight (May 20), the closing votes not “may” but WILL decide who faces Eminem in the championship round. Em’, deeply influenced by Rakim (and an Aftermath label-mate for a brief stint) is also profusely inspired by the music of ‘Pac, whose posthumous work he tirelessly produced at the height of his stardom.
Do these MCs have different chances against Eminem? Before that even comes into play, you’d better make sure not only have you voted, but that you’ve rallied the troops for the MC you believe to be most deserving. This one may be a photo-finish.
Related: Finding The GOAT (Final 4): Rakim vs. Tupac…Who You Got?