Q-Tip & The Chemical Brothers Still Know How to Make the Party Get Up and GO (Video)
As an MC, a DJ, and as a producer, Q-Tip knows how to inject the rhythm into the people. The Abstract is quite concrete in his ability to exterminate wallflowers, making grooves, melodies, and choruses that send everybody to the dance-floor.
Tip was called upon by The Chemical Brothers for “Go.” The veteran crossover Dance outfit utilizes Q-Tip’s vocal gifts to complement their driving beats. The Michael Gondry-directed video, featuring neither Kamaal nor the Chemical Brothers, instead has some playful synchronized models shape-shifting to the booming track:
This comes from July 17 album, Born In The Echoes.
Related: The Party Continues Late Into The Night For Tittsworth, Q-Tip & Theophilus London (Audio)