Mack Wilds Orchestrates A Heist With An Ex In Bonnie & Clyde (Audio)

In the vain of Jodeci, R. Kelly, and Adina Howard, Mack Wilds likes his R&B risqué. The Sony Red-backed singer from Staten Island, New York returns from campaigning aggressively in 2013 and 2014 for “Bonnie & Clyde.”

The mid-tempo track features a detailed arrangement of background vocals as Mack presents a story of reigniting an old flame with torrid passion. Along the way, the Top 200-certified New York: A Love Story maker spares no detail in why he’s coming back, and why it may be thrilling to live (and love) dangerously.

Related: Mack Wilds Tells The Story About Fighting To Make A Love Real (Video)