38 Hours of Hip-Hop Playlists Map Out Hip-Hop’s Early Phases. Was Anything Left Out? (Audio)

The web has made it possible for anyone with the interest, time, and energy to create individual worlds which can then be shared with the masses. Perhaps nowhere is this most evidently displayed than in the world of playlists, which dominate much of the streaming digital landscape of today. From the professionally curated lists on subscription-based services to the user-submitted mixes uploaded on free hosting sites, there is no shortage of material out there for Heads to stumble upon, but sometimes it’s nice to have it delivered right to your doorstep (or in this case, newsfeed).

That is the case with internet user and music aficionado MCAforPresident, an as-of-yet unknown Hip-Hop Head who has put together hours upon hours of chronologically organized music and thanks to Noisey’s reporting, the 38 hours of playlists have been shared with the internet audience at large. Covering the 13 years between 1988 and 2001, the stream-of-consciousness approach of organizing music below is actually quite formulaic in many ways, as it journeys in a pretty straightforward manner through Hip-Hop’s early life cycles, from its earliest forays into popular culture to the Jiggy Era and the new millennium, and all the nuanced chapters in between. Check out the impressive efforts below.

Related: Ever debated what was the best year in hip-hop? Here’s a little something from The Rub to make the conversation a LOT more interesting.