D.L. Hughley Offends Everybody. No Politician, Athlete Or Doctor Is Safe (Video)
King of comedy D.L. Hughley recently visited Sway’s Universe for an interview that played like a set from the celebrated stand-up. As great comedy is prone to do, topics that are often uncomfortable to talk about are brought right to the surface, where Hughley poked and prodded through astute observation and hard-hitting jokes. At the 12:38 mark, Hughley asks a question that serves as a good barometer for the tone of the comedy in the conversation. As he turns to the women in the studio, he says “Who would you rather have a drink with: Bill Cosby or Cee-Lo?”
As his fans are well aware, Hughley often broaches the topic of politics in his comedy, but also on his short-lived but fantastic CNN show D.L. Hughley Breaks the News. When asked if he’s following the current political news, Hughley begins by saying “I like Hillary, and I know it ain’t cool to like her. If she wasn’t a chick, people wouldn’t even have the problems they have,” he surmises. “I like Bernie, but that mothafucka don’t look like he strong enough to make it. How you gon’ talk about the future and you won’t see it?” The Democrats are just the beginning, as he then launches into his thoughts on the Republicans. “Donald Trump. If he say ‘nigga’ they’ll swear him in tomorrow,” he says. “He wants to kick out the Muslims. Ten percent of American doctors are Muslim. Ain’t no American doctors no more. My doctors always smell like curry.” He keeps going, telling Sway et al that sometimes he has to ask his doctor “is that your last name or the shit I got?”
Over the course of the interview, Hughley manages to clown everything from autism to Zika. With a grown autistic son now dating a White woman, Hughley says he’s discovered the cure for autism (“pussy”). The Zika virus – which can be sexually transmitted and result in birth defects – is terrible, according to Hughley, because “I can fuck around and then have a baby that looks like Beetlejuice.” There are very few moments in the 20-minute discussion to catch one’s breath, and cohost Heather B can be seen turning her mic away from her face several times, while Sway often makes remarks ensuring the audience “these are not words coming out of our mouths.” He also broaches the topic of Lamar Odom’s coma, why he’ll his future half-White grandkids better than the Black kids, and much more. “No chill” just got a whole new meaning. And it’s hilarious.
Related: Eddie Murphy Received the Nation’s Highest Prize for Comedy & Proves Why He Deserves It (Video)