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Rolling Stones’ 50 Greatest Hip-Hop Songs of All Time (Food For Thought)

Rolling Stone has taken on the impossible task of trying to identify and rank the top 50 hip-hop songs of all time. They asked 33 artists and experts their picks and crunched the numbers. The list is respectable and thought-provoking. You can read it in its entirety and listen to... Read more

Complex has been killing the game with their compilations, lately. This week it’s their ranking of The 50 Greatest Hip-Hop magazine covers of all time.

In the past, it was the 25 best Kanye West verses of 2010 and DJ Premier's breakdown of 38 of his classic cuts.  Whether you agree or not with their picks and rankings, it's great food  for thought and a cool stroll down memory lane.   Here's an example of... Read more