AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Skillz’s 2016 Rap Up Reminds Us Of The Year’s Highs, Lows & Reasons To Stay Woke (Audio)

2016 is coming to a close. Years from now, how will we, the people, remember such an expansive year in Hip-Hop music, news, and culture? This year, some of the biggest MCs in the genre released new albums. Several of these efforts came in short notice, challenging new distribution platforms... Read more

Patriotism For Pay: NFL Teams Were Paid by the Military to Salute the Flag (Video)

There are times - particularly in the internet era, when a story's shelf life sometimes lasts only a few hours - when news in the recent past resurfaces because it coincides perfectly with real-time events. We see it often on social media, when a years-old tweet from Donald Trump suddenly... Read more

The NCAA Is Playing Offense & Moving Its Games Out Of North Carolina

Less than two months after the National Basketball Association announced it would be moving its 2017 All-Star Game and all related festivities out of North Carolina, the National Collegiate Athletic Association is taking a similar stand. The N.C.A.A. will be relocating all of the sports events scheduled to take place... Read more

The Entire Seattle Seahawks Team Could Be Protesting the National Anthem

There are times in modern history when things seem to be happening at a clip never before seen, with intensity that leaves many questioning when the fight began and why it only seems to be happening today, in the here and now. Most would argue that it's technology's presence in... Read more

20 Years Ago, Muhammad Ali Lit a Torch That Continues to Shine Brightly (Video)

In 1996, Atlanta, Georgia, hosted the Summer Olympics, but it wasn't just a once-in-every-four-years occurrence. Also known as the Centennial Olympic Games, it was historic for many reasons, including its being the first time the Olympics divided Summer and Winter games into different years. Kicking off on July 19, the... Read more