AFH Ambrosia for Heads


BJ The Chicago Kid Was Part Of History Last Night. Here’s How His Story Began (Video)

Chicago recently hosted President Barack Obama's official farewell event, a bittersweet moment in which the 44th commander-in-chief of the United States said a tearful (but uplifting) goodbye. Beyond his farewell address, the event included musical performances, including one from the Windy City's own BJ the Chicago Kid. Many Heads likely... Read more

BJ The Chicago Kid & Kendrick Lamar Make A Timeless Hip-Hop Soul Ballad (Audio)

On several occasions, Kendrick Lamar and BJ The Chicago Kid have made powerful music together. Long before both artists had major label paperwork on the table, these two found an overlapping ability to uphold the bygone skills in a way the youth could easily digest. From BJ's upcoming In My... Read more