AFH Ambrosia for Heads


The Black Stormtrooper Caused a Real Stir. This Might Too (Video)

The Internet was ablaze nearly a month ago with the release of the teaser trailer for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII. However, there was seemingly at least as much chatter about the fact that one of the first images to appear was that of a Black male in a... Read more

Vic Mensa & Michael Uzowuru Release the First Song They Ever Recorded (Audio)

Vic Mensa and producer Michael Uzowuru have developed a special musical chemistry in the short amount of time they've known one another. Each has a love of music of all genres and defies labeling with respect to his craft. Thus, to no surprise, the music they've made together is often... Read more

Vic Mensa Makes Some Rock & Soul With Frequent Collaborator Michael Uzowuru (Audio)

In his young career, Vic Mensa has defied being categorized. Once a front-man of a truly organic Rap-Rock group, Kids These Days, Mensa's 2014 lead single has been inspired by Chicago House. He's also tackling some Jazz tracks this year to boot. So why should Heads be surprised when the... Read more