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Will Smith Reacts To The 65′ Mural Of Him Made For A West Philadelphia School (Video)

Will Smith name-checking West Philadelphia in the theme song to The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air took a city section with a rich history, a vibrant culture, and a no-nonsense reputation and made it known—at least by name—in the mainstream. From the Overbrook neighborhood, Smith and business partner James Lassiter named... Read more

Business Owners Are Using Graffiti To Prevent Graffiti. A New Book Examines How.

As an art form, graffiti has certainly climbed the rungs of prestige since the days in the '70s when it was generally considered to be an eyesore and a form of vandalism, primarily by those who didn't live in the neighborhoods where tagging was born. And, while wall etchings and... Read more