AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Sean Price & Planet Asia Set Off the Festivities With Serious Lyricism (Audio)

The late, great Sean Price left Heads with a robust discography, thanks to the Brownsville "Bar-barian's" extensive recording career as a member of Heltah Skeltah, Random Axe, and as a hardworking solo MC. Now, his booming baritone can be heard dropping some new heat in the form of "The Festival,"... Read more

Planet Asia Rolls Up His Sleeves & Gets Busy With Intricate Wordplay (Audio)

Planet Asia has more than 15 years of shredding up tracks under his (black) belt. Fresno, California's first MC on the national scene is hard at work on a new album with DJ Concept. Seventy Nine releases March 25 on Coalmine Records with a promised theme driving the wheel (Heads... Read more