AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Vince Staples Gets Lifted From His Surroundings Without Ever Leaving Them (Video)

In recent months, Long Beach, California MC Vince Staples was at the helm of a discussion about generational perspective in Hip-Hop. In October, he made a statement which seemed to suggest that the '00s were the greatest years in Rap music, prompting artists and fans representing previous eras to voice... Read more

Vince Staples’ Long Beach Transforms Into A Metaphoric Apocalypse (Video)

Vince Staples has made several enduring videos already, in his short career. For the Snoh Aalegra-assisted "Senorita," the two No I.D. proteges raise the stakes like never before. The Summertime '06 (June 30) look feels like something out of a '90s Soundgarden visual—only its world is the Long Beach City.... Read more