AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Kendrick Lamar Was Making Great Music Long Before “Section.80.” Remember “Vanity Slaves” (Audio)

By now, Kendrick Lamar is a household name. Considered by many to be one of today's most talented Hip-Hop stars, his appeal has extended beyond the realm of Rap into pop culture and politics, thanks in part to his work with the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. and his... Read more

Rewind: Kendrick Lamar – Vanity Slaves (Pt 1 & 2)

Listening to Kendrick Lamar's new song Swimming Pools (Drank) yesterday sent me on a journey. I needed to hear more K. Dot so I went back and really listened to one of his earlier joints with fresh ears. Vanity Slaves Pt 2 dropped in Feb but Pt 2 means there... Read more