The latest installment of PREEM-EAR is here. This week Omar Akil drops a jewel with Joell Ortiz.
PREEM-EAR: Joell Ortiz “Project Boy”
Got another one! Or should I say Joell got ONE!!! I’m hoping that, at this point, there is no need to familiarize you all with the rhyme animal that is Joell Ortiz. Forget repeat, Flex (Funkmaster) has had Joell’s HOT97 (NY) freestyle on continuous loop for a few weeks now.
This week’s PREEM-EAR is extra dope because it includes a visual component. Joell had a video shot for this joint and its damn good. The pix match the track exceptionally well, and were executed sans Joell or Preem who only make (well planned) cameos at the end of the vid.
Enjoy this week’s PREEM-EAR selection……
For my OT’ers who don’t have radio access to Funkmaster Flex’s radio show in NY………
Omar Akil (@omarakil3)
“Slightly better than a DJ with a broken fader and no doubles”