45 King, Chill Rob G & Lakim Shabazz Share Flavor Unit Memories, Talk 45’s Heart Attack & Collaborations (Video)

Two New Jersey Hip-Hop legends came together over 25 years after their first link. 45 King and Lakim Shabazz, the founder and one of the star MCs of the first wave of The Unit, respectively, did a new episode of 45’s “Making The Beat.” While playing some joints, the pair goes back into their creative chemistry, talks 45 King’s recent recovery from a heart attack, and talks some of the Flavor Unit days from the beginning, featuring Lord AliBaski, Chill Rob G (both present) Apache, and of course another Garden State MC named Dana Owens, perhaps better known as Queen Latifah.

Bonus Beat: “Black is Back” by Lakim Shabazz (produced by 45 King):

Four Flavor Units founders still kickin’ it after all these years…

Related: Living Legends: Queen Latifah (Video Playlist)
