Erick Sermon Is Bringing Hip-Hop To Your Home With Def Rugs

Always about his business, EPMD MC Erick Sermon has started a new venture that has been turning heads: Def Rugs. Def Rugs is a carpet business that makes Hip-Hop logos into rugs that make for great pieces of home décor. In a recent interview with HipHopDX, Sermon and his business partner, Hip-Hop producer Fox, talked about the new business and how it got started.

While Fox is a producer, his family also owns a carpet business called Fox Floors. A call from Erick’s sister led to him making a rug with the EPMD logo, and Def Rugs was born once Erick saw the rug. “He was like, ‘Fox. This is what you need to be doing. This is how you’re gonna break into the music biz and every celeb and fan is going to want one in their home and studio.’” They started making rugs with different artists’ logos, and Def Rugs was officially in business.


Now, the plan for Def Rugs is to mass produce licensed custom rugs featuring rap logos that they will sell worldwide in shops, online and as artist merchandise. Sermon says “this is something that’s going to be really special. Even the celebrities that have one right now love it, and that’s not even a ‘fan.’ So imagine what’s it’s gonna be like for a fan to order a Wu-Tang ‘W’ rug, and have that in their house, or the Beastie Boys [logo] in their house. It’s gonna be a lotta people who are going to love to have [these] in their house.”

Check out the entire article by HipHopDX here, and visit the official Def Rugs website here.

Related: Erick Sermon Speaks Openly About Earnings, Helping Create Atlanta’s Scene (Video)