This Will Make You Think Twice the Next Time You Walk By Someone Down on Their Luck (Video)
Tish Hyman has the kind of voice that penetrates souls. Part Stevie Wonder and part Roberta Flack, with a dash of Lauryn Hill, Hyman’s vocals are filled with the type of raw and honest emotion that is rare these days–so much so that it’s instantly stirring.
Her song “Subway Art” is about the anonymity of pain we’ve all seen at some time. We walk by people whose misfortunes have reduced them to street peddling, begging or even homelessness, bypassing them without as much as a quick gaze or a second thought cast their way. There are other times, however, when we look up from our phones, re-connect with humanity and are struck with the thought: “how did this happen?”
Hyman paints the picture for us with a song about shattered dreams and broken spirits. She flips effortlessly between rapping and singing about these anonymous faces in the crowd, and poignantly labels them “Subway Art”–a nod to the ever presence of folks like these on New York City subway trains.
The Bronx, NY MC/singer is already on the radar of artists like Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Fabolous and Diddy. With songs like this, she will be in the hearts and minds of many more to come.
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