Black Thought Raps About the Super Bowl With Help From “Tonight Show” Fans (Video)

To Heads, it’s no secret that the Roots are arguably the greatest band in Hip-Hop. When Jimmy Fallon brought the Philly crew with him to The Tonight Show, millions of new fans were born, and thanks to the many musical skits and interludes on the show, America gets to see why the Square Roots are so legendary. One such skit is the “Hashtags” sketch, a weekly interactive effort in which Fallon tweets out a hashtag and asks followers to chime in with thoughts based on that topic. He then reads the funniest and most creative responses on the show, but this week there was an added element in the form of Black Thought.

With the Super Bowl only two days away, Fallon introduced #SuperBowlRaps for this week’s topic, resulting in thousands of tweets phrased in the form of Rap verses. Naturally, Black Thought was asked to do the honors, rapping submissions to the sounds of R. Kelly, Silentó, and Drake. It’s a lighthearted and silly side of Black Thought not often seen in his Hip-Hop career, and the support of Questlove and the rest of the band makes it a family affair.

The question remains. Broncos or Panthers?

Related: Adele Sings Hello While Fallon & The Roots Play Classroom Instruments. Still Amazing! (Video)