Bernie Sanders is Changing the Political Landscape in the U.S. & He’s Proud Of It (Video)
Fresh off his primary victories in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington, Vermont’s Senator Bernie Sanders continues to force a conversation in American politics about the big guys versus the little guys. Having galvanized young voters in far greater numbers than his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, Sanders has proven that a polished pedigree and previous White House experience does not always make one a shoe-in for a nomination. Just this past weekend, Sanders hosted a rally in the Bronx, an area familiar to Heads and one that brought the presidential candidate to New York City, where he visited Hot 97 for a discussion with both Ebro Darden and Peter Rosenberg. With only two weeks until the New York primary, Sanders was ready to discuss all of the big-ticket issues including income inequality, student debt, racism, and much more.
The interview begins with Ebro asking Senator Sanders about his recent rally in New York City, a hugely successful event which took place in the Bronx. As a New York City-based radio show, it’s only fitting that Ebro wanted his listeners to hear about why Sanders chose that community, and Sanders gladly gives his reasoning. “First off, it’s one of the lowest income communities in the United States of America, and I wanted everybody to understand that we’re going to stand up for some of the poorest people in this country, people whose pain is not being heard,” Senator Sanders explains. Ebro shares that he and his colleagues “love” him, but he also offers up his concerns, telling his guest “I think some of your positions are extreme,” asking him directly “how are we going to pay for the things you’re proposing?” In response, Sanders puts forth one such “extreme” position, which is that he believes the country should “make all public colleges and universities tuition free,” before putting forth his explanation of how the country will pay for it “When the greed and recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street drove this country into a major recession, the tax payers bailed them out. So I think that we should impose a tax on Wall Street speculation. That will raise more than enough money to provide free tuition” (3:29).
Near the 8:30 mark, the conversation turns to race, particularly within the context of what has happened in this country since the election of Barack Obama. After expressing his 2008 concern that if Obama was elected, the powers that be would begin to pick on young Black men, Ebro gives the floor to Sanders for the senator’s views on how he would fight against injustice like police brutality and systemic forms of discrimination. “What we have seen since Barack Obama has been President is a level of hatred,” he begins. Sanders then shares the poignant argument that the Birther movement – the attempt to disqualify Obama’s eligibility to be president based on his father’s being born in Kenya – was such clear evidence of bias that it goes far beyond disrespect. “I’m the child of an immigrant. Barack Obama is the child of an immigrant. His father was born in Kenya. My father was born in Poland. Nobody has asked me for my birth certificate,” Sanders says. “You think it has something to do with the color of my skin? I do.”
Shortly thereafter, a patched-in Peter Rosenberg asks Senator Sanders what he plans to do if he loses the nomination. “Will you encourage Bernie supporters to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is?,” he asks. “I will do everything I can to defeat a Republican,” Sanders says (10:46). In a related tangent, Ebro brings up the idea of Bernie being “a disruptor,” one who has forced Hillary Clinton to “change her path.” Sanders agrees fully with that idea, saying “suddenly she’s talking about wealth inequality, she’s talking about the trade issue…of course her views have changed in response to what we have done. But, here’s what’s more important: we are opening up the Democratic party now to millions of young people and working-class people that had either given up on the political process or had never voted in their lives,” he beams.
Other topics include Donald Trump, relations with Israel and Palestine, and Bernie Sanders’ tax plan.
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