Rakim Ain’t No Joke & Neither Is This Quiz About The God MC

From the moment he touched the microphone, Rakim proved to be something different for Hip-Hop. The MC half of Eric B. & Rakim raised the standard of flow, style, and rhyme patterns over the last 30 years. As a soloist later in his career, The R made albums that upheld Hip-Hop’s tenants of “dope,” while seemingly always being thoughtful, spiritual, and street-savvy. With so many verses treated as scripture, Rakim has a following that study his work like Theology.

Have you been  a good student? This quiz puts those “R” know-it-all’s to the test.

Play the quiz, and let us know how you did. If you enjoy Hip-Hop quizzes, you can download the Rapology app for free.

Related: Play these other quizzes on UGK, Redman, MF DOOM, UGK, and more.