AFH Ambrosia for Heads


It's a great day for underground rap…which is a nice segue into the #8 reason why 2010 is the best year ever in hip-hop: The Return of the Underground.

This one is a bit of a contradiction.  The incredible underground releases this year certainly contributed to the musical strength of the year overall, but underground rap is consistently pretty strong.  It's the hits that are more unpredictable.  That's confirmed just by looking at Soundscan sales info.  This year will... Read more

Diggy Simmons is the latest to flow on the Dead Presidents track with his song As I Am. Who rocks the track better between Diggy, J. Cole and Jay-Z?

The answer is clearly Jay-Z, but it's closer than you might think.  Take a listen: Diggy Simmons - As I Am J. Cole - Dead Presidents II (click here for his original version) Jay-Z - Dead Presidents (original version) Jay-Z - Dead Presidents (album version) Lonnie... Read more