AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Madvillain’s Madvillainy vs. Cannibal Ox’s The Cold Vein. Which Is Better?

One year ago, Ambrosia For Heads launched a debate among its readers seeking to answer one of Hip-Hop’s most hotly-contested questions: who is the greatest MC of all time? “Finding The GOAT MC” lasted between September 2014 and May 2015, engaging millions of readers and ultimately producing its winner, as... Read more

Cannibal Ox Make A Rare Visual…In Front Of Big L’s Harlem Mural (Video)

Part of Cannibal Ox's mystique surrounding The Cold Vein came in the fact that its presentation relied almost entirely on the music. Vast Aire, Vordul Mega, and then-producer El-P were not about the video components (just one, really), photo shoots, and over-the-top interviews. The Def Jux hallmark spoke for itself, and... Read more

Cannibal Ox Report Live From Across 110th Street (Audio)

"Harlem Knights" is the latest preview glimpse from Cannibal Ox's sophomore album, Blade Of The Ronin (March 3). Not unlike 2001's "Stress Rap," the song is all about images, especially surrounding the uncovered sections of Uptown. Vordul kicks things off with one of his finer verses, before Vast pushes through... Read more