AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Here’s an Unbelievable Blend of Rakim’s In the Ghetto & Phil Collins’ In the Air Tonight (Video)

Here's a mind-bending blend of Eric B. & Rakim's "In the Ghetto" with Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight." The mix, which was put together by DJ not-I back in 2012, seamlessly combines both the audio and the video from the two classics. The cinematic tone and feel of Eric... Read more

Good God. I was not ready for the remake of Eric B. and Rakim’s classic In the Ghetto by The Roots, John Legend and Rakim Allah, himself.

Black Thought's verse alone would have been enough.  This is from J. Period's mixtape remix of The Roots and John Legend's Wake Up! album.  You can download the full mixtape for free here. Click here to download In The Ghetto.  Here's the original--easily one of the best rap records ever:... Read more