AFH Ambrosia for Heads


Jay Rock & Tee Grizzley Rep’ Different Regions But Come From Similar Circumstances

Jay Rock's Redemption offered 13 tracks of street-certified wisdom. The Watts, California native and longstanding TDE linchpin has released videos for nine of those songs. In the midst of that championship run, Eastside Johnny is back again with new music, and a video to match. This time, Rock calls upon... Read more

Mysonne Puts Morality Over Money In One Of The Most Woke BET Cyphers Ever (Video)

Mysonne is a Hip-Hop rarity. After spending seven years in prison, rather than seeking to glorify his stint, as most rappers do, he's used the experience to caution others against following in his footsteps. He also consistently has been one of the more outspoken voices against much of the negative... Read more