Watch The Drummer Get Wicked! Madlib Makes A Beat On The Drums, Turntables & Pads (Video)
When Heads of a certain age were young, we watched Grandmixer DST cut it up in Herbie Hancock’s legendary video to “Rockit.” That single moment, putting scratching and cutting in the mainstream (Herbie would later score awards galore for the fresh LP), prompted many DJs to gravitate towards the record players (as covered extensively in the film, Scratch).
Thirty-one years later, Madlib takes a similar concept, only he does it all himself. The man who currently has a charting LP with Freddie Gibbs in Piñata, and whose music is much of the subject of a Stones Throw Records documentary, Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton, recently made a beat from scratch, using drums, a sampler, and turntables. In a wonderfully-filmed 360-vignette, watch it all happen, and imagine new legions of kids now setting their goals on being a “Beat Konducta” by watching the Lootpack legend.
Related: Snoop & Madlib? It Gets No Funkier Than Cadillacs (Audio)