Killer Mike Speaks from the Heart About the Michael Brown Verdict (Video)
“I have a 20-year old son and I have a 12-year old son, and I’m so afraid for them.”
–Killer Mike
Wow. If you heard Killer Mike, the son of a policeman, speak on the killing of Michael Brown and the events in Ferguson on CNN, Fox and other outlets over the Summer, you know what an eloquent spokesperson he has been. None of those appearances compares, however, to the raw, unadulterated emotion Mike evinced at a Run the Jewels show last night, in St. Louis, shortly after it was announced that a grand jury did not find sufficient evidence to take Officer Darren Wilson to trial in the shooting death. He speaks about this case not being about race, but about “poverty,” “greed” and a “war machine that uses youth as a battery.” Part activist, part preacher, all rapper, he represents the essence of Hip-Hop–a megaphone for the people.
Related: Killer Mike Expounds On Ferguson, Police Brutality & Looting (Video)