Q-Tip Walks the Walk in Protest for Michael Brown in New York (Video)
As protests break out across the nation in light of last night’s decision by the grand jury in Ferguson, MO to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, prominent members of the Hip-Hop community continue to take a stand. Last night, Killer Mike spoke passionately from a stage in St. Louis, and, on the East Coast, A Tribe Called Quest’s Q-Tip not only talked the talk, but walked the walk. He joined protesters in New York’s Times Square who assembled peacefully but quite vocally. Q-Tip led the crowd in call and response chants of “Hands Up!” and “Don’t shoot!” There will undoubtedly be more to come in the days ahead. Here’s footage of Q-Tip in protest.
Related: Nas Performs One Love & The World is Yours with The Roots & Q-Tip (Video)