De La Soul’s New Song About The Old New York Is No Fairy Tale (Audio)
De La Soul records can be highly personal. Songs like “Trying People” and “I Am I Be” are remarkable reflections of one’s place in the world, identity, and self-preservation. Other times, Posdnuos and Dave wax gripping tales that are about others. “Keepin’ The Faith” is a virginity story, supported by a luscious chorus, while “Tread Water” was a narrative presented as a children’s allegory about life. There are no imaginary talking crocodiles or high-fiving primates on “Greyhounds.” Instead, De La looks at the secret life of bus stations.
Pos’ begins with a small-town attractive woman showing up in New York City. Comparing it to sheep with wolves, the MC shows how predators show up to take her innocence through drugs, and eventually move her to prostitution—before she leaves town a shadow of herself. They used to call parts of Times Square “the Minnesota Strip” due to common cases like this.
De La Soul Embrace Their Rightful Place As Hip-Hop Royalty (Audio)
Dave tells another tale. He finds the out of town hustlers, carrying weight O-T to make a living on the road. He captures the suspense of the risk taken to move from town-to-town with so much at stake—and fighting the law and territorial competition. This is as close to Jeezy’s realm as Plug 2 has ever gotten with his songwriting.
De La Soul Release One Of The Most Unique Songs They’ve Ever Recorded (Audio)
Usher makes one of the most unusual Hip-Hop collaborations of his career. However, while his lyrics fit perfectly against the De La narrative, he delivers them not unlike his seductive Pop hits of the past. This is a different chamber for these artists, and one that shows them at their most creative. This and the Anonymous Nobody (August 26) look may be the new musical authority on Port Authority.