Q-Tip Says The Final A Tribe Called Quest Album Will Be Released Next Month
In August, during an interview, Epic Records Chairman and CEO, L.A. Reid, casually made a massive revelation: before Phife Dawg’s death, A Tribe Called Quest secretly recorded an album and it would be released in the near future. Of the project, Reid said, during an appearance on the Rap Radar podcast, “You know what I’m excited about though? A Tribe Called Quest. [Epic Records] has A Tribe Called Quest album coming.” He continued, saying “It’s an album that [the members] recorded before Phife [Dawg] passed away. I’m really happy about it, man. It’s really something special. It’s one of the things I’m most excited about out of everything we’re working on.” He also made it emphatically clear that Phife was alive and had been a major part of the recording process. “Phife is there [on the album]—the whole group: Jarobi, the entire group, everybody. It’s great too,” Reid assured.
A Tribe Called Quest Secretly Recorded An Album That Is About To Be Released
Since that announcement, things have been eerily quiet…until now. Tonight (October 27), Q-Tip took to his Instagram with an open letter to fans, which reads as follows:
“To All The Good People Worldwide!
We hope this letter finds you & yours safe and without a scratch!
Last year this time myself, Jarobi, Ali and PHIFE had the extreme pleasure of performing on the Tonight Show. It was our 1st T.V. performance in 18 years.
The energy for us that night was one that we hadn’t experienced on stage together in some time!
It was also the night of the PARIS BOMBING….November 13th…Friday…A unseasonably warm night in NYC.
As we left 30 ROCK I feTl the need, we all did, to get back to the Studio and start that Cookup!! So WE GOT TO IT!!
It was coming together nicely and as you may know we lost our BROTHER may GOD REST HIS SOUL on March 22nd
But he left us with the BluePrint of what we had to do
So we collected ourselves and along tribesmen, BUSTA and CONS…we completed what will be, obviously the final A TRIBE CALLED QUEST ALBUM!
No this isn’t with old Phife Bars…This is that Pure, unstepped on Pure!!
and on November 11th, 2016
We will complete our Paths of Rhythm..Join Us!
ATCQ fans rejoice at this bittersweet news and prepare to celebrate and send off A Tribe Called Quest, all of them, one last time.