Wu-Tang Clan & Redman Are Back To Teach Lessons To Wack MCs (Video)
Last October, Wu-Tang Clan released The Saga Continues. The album marked a first for the Clan, in that DJ Mathematics assumed RZA’s role as producer. Using some of The Abbott’s same equipment from those early ’90s joints, the Queens, New York native producer (and DJ for Red & Meth) orchestrated the LP that debuted at #15 on the charts and made its way onto Ambrosia For Heads’ “Best 15 Albums Of 2017” list. RZA signed off on what Mathematics created, which featured especially strong showings from Method Man, Redman, and Ghostface Killah, among others.
The Clan is still at work on their first release from the newly launched indie label, 36 Chambers, LLC. Second single “Lesson Learn’d” now comes to video. The song is one of three where longtime Wu-Tang extended family member Redman joins the fold. In this case, he shares the mic with crew co-founder and CZARFACE member Inspectah Deck.
Mathematics Explains How Dr. Dre’s 2001 Influenced His Production On The New Wu Album (Video)
The video pays homage to Goodfellas, as Red’, I.N.S., and Math’ wake up a friend while going through her knife drawers. In the trunk of a vintage ’70s Buick Electra convertible, there’s something they need to chop up. Heads may have to wait for a third single to see what exactly it is. In any event, the three take to the town, complete with police lights and cop cars. Bernadette, the widow of Sean Price (who appears on the album), makes a cameo. Deck and Reggie spit their hard bars, teaching touch lessons about building brands that last through the ages.
All Wu-Tang members aside from U-God appeared on The Saga… project. However, since the release, the Golden Arms MC (who just released a free mixtape with DJ Green Lantern) appeared on the official “Hood Go Bang” remix.
Redman Rates The Bars & He’s Not Afraid To Hand Out Zeros (Video)
#BonusBeat: Masta Killa’s “Now You See” version to 2017 single, “OGs Told Me”: